Blog Post

Spread Your Content Like Hot Butter

So you wrote that great article/blog, shot a cool Vlog, or perhaps got some amazing infographics. Well done citizen! Content such as articles, blogs and whitepapers are a great way to attract your targeted online potentials, convert them into leads and nurture them into customers.

But here’s one thing. Creating outstanding online content only gets you half of the way to those people you’re trying to get. The rest is all about exposure and how you actually get noticed online.

You want to grab your targeted prospects’ attention with both hands, but if you publish your content without targeted focus, then all you’re doing is wasting time, effort and money (your time is not free).

I’m still astounded when I see Social Media posts with no hastags. It’s like going to a business networking meeting wearing earmuffs and a gag (By the way, if that’s your thing, then cool, fill your boots). So how are you going to join conversations and how are people going to know what you’re talking about? You’ll just create dribble (pun intended). Well, you can use hashtags on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram etc, to increase reach, but also develop your own following and sustainable conversations, but consider what your hashtag protocol is. EG to get reach, you’d search for popular hashtags and jump on the band wagon so to speak. To build a following, you’d create and use your own


#DPinsights, that people would start to recognise as a search term on that social media channel

Here’s an example…if you sell fishing equipment and you join a fishing group, create a branded downloadable feature that gives useful info on the most hidden places in the UK to go fishing, where to get licenses from and perhaps a useful fish identification key, then share it with new updated tips every Friday afternoon with #fishingforfriday. To get reach, my research will have shown me that #fishingtips has the biggest popularity too, so I can increase exposure exponentially. Get the gist?

Email marketing is still huge and is still going. One of the great things about email marketing is that you can cross promote your content and channels, overlapping database segmentation strategies with social media hashtag protocols. You can also see which subscribers click through repeatedly but aren’t buying anything, and that’s the time to get in touch and take them for a coffee to eek out an opportunity. Using developments in origination tracking, such as Facebook’s Pixel, you can really go to town on tracking conversions, remarketing posts to website visitors and running really effective ads.
So you really have no excuse! It’s time to don your super suit, and nurture your audiences into sales and ongoing happy customers.

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