This question gets asked a lot throughout the year, “What are the growing social media trends? “ I think we are all interested to know what’s coming our way and what will be impacting the digital world.
Social media moves fast...really fast, and similar to the technology sector, just as you get used to all the new features and tools developed for it, everything changes.
Here's what's trending...
Social Media E-Commerce
Many different social media platforms are now bringing in the e-commerce feature, it started mid-year 2016 but it's rapidly becoming a massive feature to Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
According to Jan-Pieter Lips, president of international coalitions at Aimia (published on 56% of consumers said they followed different types of social brands to browse products for sale and 31% of online shoppers say they’re using the platforms just to look for latest and new items. But this is the B2C markets primarily. There are now growing trends within the C2C market to resell rare and specialist items that knock firmly on the door of bragging-rights, combining social media with online shopping holistically but in a user-generated way.
Companies should start to look into these shopping habits when thinking about their social media strategy for 2017 and onwards. Shoppers online now come to social media to connect and communicate with others by sharing and posting their own products which they want to sell, encouraged heavily with call-to-action buttons on the sellers side as well as “buy now “ buttons on the buyer end, making it much easier to do online shopping rather than going through traditional retail points.
The question of why social media and shopping have shown such progressive symbiosis can be traced back to the begins of social shopping in malls with friends. We desire affirmation of our purchases, and therefore conformity into social groups, as well as the enjoyment factor of chatting, laughing and gossiping with friends.
Live Video Content
Live video content has become much
bigger in the past year and a half, with Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat all investing heavily to encourage live feeds and stories.
You don’t have to broadcast live videos every single day but once a week or even twice can give your business a great pull because it promotes yours and the company’s’ persona and character. Baring in mind that people buy from people, the power of this is big.
People don’t like to constantly read, and in fact Facebook have recently penalised you for doing so! How, I hear you say…well you’ll notice that if you type a few words on your next status, Facebook makes your text huge and gives you the option of coloured backgrounds, but the more you type, the smaller it gets. This is because images are far more powerful than words, and Facebook will serve posts based upon engagement and content, so make your posts as image or video-centric as possible to see increase engagement and watches. Live video will stop that boredom that users get when scrolling through social media because they’ll have something to interact with and listen to, and adds a credence and life to your brand’s existence which many companies fall short on.
A great way to get people more involved too is to take them to your next location. A business event? Networking? Meetings or even abroad, by videoing Live it makes your market feel more involved and this can lead to a conversation and increased conversion rates.
You can also use Live video to give fans a behind the screen look at your business and how you work as a company, for example you may have a few followers who are interested in “social media marketing“ so you could use a live video session to share this and educate people who want more information.
Live content can really help in nearly every industry, don’t wait around for others to do it for you to start! The benefits are clear and if you can use it and get the techniques correct then don’t hesitate to hit that live broadcast button!
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